Day 3 - Amposta to Oropesa del Mar (98km, 385m)

Tuesday, September 22nd

Route Map and Elevation Profile

The daily briefings are getting smaller as various small groups decide to head of early, or late in our case!

Amposta is inland at the head of the Delta del Ebre, and the first 10km takes us back to the coast (see map above). Although there are mountains behind us for most of the day, the riding is relatively flat, except for a small climb in the afternoon.

We have to ride on the busy N340 national road for a lot of today again, but whenever possible, the route takes us onto beach-side bike paths, or smaller country roads and laneways.

Not many people here, especially at this early (?!) time of day.

Whenever we're on country lane-ways, there's always agriculture and agricultural smells!

Back to the beach where the bars and restaurants are just setting up for the day. It's sunny, and starting to get quite warm.

We have our coffee in Vinaros, and the disk jockey tests his equipment in the background. As we pass through more beach-side developments, we find that loud music is not unusual - whatever happened to peace and tranquility?

There are lots of people cycling, and jogging - this guy obviously wanted to be noticed, and he was...

In Benicarlo we get our first glimpse of Peniscola which is where we will have an early lunch, and a look around the castle.

It's now almost midday, and the esplanade has become very busy - this is a very popular resort with hotels, apartments and restaurants for kilometers. There's even a 10km/hour speed limit for bikes (apparently).

Approaching Peniscola, the beaches are already groomed and getting quite crowded - doesn't anyone want to spoil the raked area?

Looking back to Benicarlo in the distance, and the mountains beyond. We're only half way, but we've already done 50km.

The historic (Knights Templar and Papal) church and castle sit on top of a promontory. Thet have either been very well preserved, or restored, or both...

We lock our bikes to a lamp-post (!) and climb through the small houses and souvenir shops for the great views.

This is the kind of cycling that deserves to be interrupted by some sight-seeing.

It doesn't look like there are many visitors, but it's getting hot and there's lots to see inside the castle as well.

Development gone mad? Just look at the top of that hill - can yet another block of apartments fit?

The bikes a recovered, safe and sound.

The hotel I stayed at in 1991.

It's now lunch time for some, so we have a burger, a kebab and a shandy.

Back onto the N340 again, and the "girls of the road" have their chairs and umbrellas up as "advertising" to passing motorists.

Off to the left are the ruins of yet another castle.

This is thirsty work, so we go into a small town for a coke at a bar in the square.

The N340 counts down kilometers to Cadiz, well beyond Gibraltar. Just near where we turn-off to Oropesa, we thought the 1,000km to go sign was worth a photo. We actually have more than 1,000km to go, and we're not going as far as Cadiz, but hey...

Coming into the strange resort of Oropesa there's an even stranger sculpture. For Tony D, it reminds him of Clive Palmer and his dinosaurs.

The view from my room - children's theme park to the left...

...mountains and railway line to the right.

After a very refreshing swim in the pool, we check out the local beach - give me the pool any day.

There are some reasonably nice gardens between the hotel and the beach, but why the wall?!

We're not sure why the car is here, or the sculptures, really.

And here's what Oropesa is really about - endless blocks of unoccupied apartments. You can't tell me that the middle of September is the off season!

Some people had dinner at the hotel buffet, but we decided to hit the lights and eat out - I think we made the right choice, don't you? :-)

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